Imtra Learning Center

Imtra’s Learning Center is a great resource for everything you need to know about your boat’s equipment and systems. Everything from product overviews, product comparisons, buying guides, troubleshooting guides, maintenance tips and more can be found here, and it’s always being updated. Be sure to also check out our video library for product demonstrations, how-tos, webinars and much more!


Imtra Learning Center

8 Tips for Safely Anchoring Your Boat Tuesday, January 31, 20230

8 Tips for Safely Anchoring Your Boat

The experts at Imtra have compiled the eight most important tips for anchoring your boat safely. Whether you’re dropping the hook for a few hours of lounging in the sun or planning to spend the night at-anchor, having reliable equipment and a consistent p

Tips & Tricks for Troubleshooting Your Electric Anchor Windlass Wednesday, March 18, 20200

Tips & Tricks for Troubleshooting Your Electric Anchor Windlass

Most electric anchor windlasses will require troubleshooting at some point. Learn the common issues that can arise with an electric anchor and how to resolve them.

Lofrans Anchor Windlass Replacement for Sea Ray & Others Wednesday, March 18, 20200

Lofrans Anchor Windlass Replacement for Sea Ray & Others

If you have a 20-year-old mid-sized Sea Ray boat, chances are you may be ready for an anchor-windlass upgrade. Imtra anchor windlass expert Jim Thomas explains.
Anchor Windlass Maintenance: 7 Tips to Know Tuesday, February 11, 20200

Anchor Windlass Maintenance: 7 Tips to Know

Anchor windlass maintenance is an important, but often forgotten component to owning a boat. Here are 7 anchor windlass tips for annual maintenance to ensure your windlass system runs smoothly all season.


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