Imtra is proud to be associated with the following associations:

The American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) is a non-profit, member organization that develops voluntary safety standards for the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of recreational boats. ABYC is the premier global standards organization in the marine industry and a leader in technical education and technician certification.
In 2018 CMISA was founded on an idea, the idea to become the helm of the Canadian marine industry suppliers, services and shipbuilding.
Our goal is to focus on industry titans, while also supporting the next generation of innovators; to drive and promote innovation, strategic partnerships, advocacy and champion the advancement of the Canadian marine and shipbuilding industry. To support Canadian marine companies to become successful and to help market, build and promote ships and marine products across Canada and around the globe.
We are steering the course for marine industry leaders to leverage their innovation, creativity and strategic capabilities to have a greater impact for them and for our economy as a whole.

MBB, a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization, was established in 2005 to strengthen and expand Maine’s boat building industry. The organization is creating a unified brand that presents Maine as a worldwide leader in boat building quality, technology, and craftsmanship.

The purpose for the formulation of the Massachusetts Marine Trades Association is to establish an organization of dedicated men and women who are employed in the marine industry with the concept that this organization will provide the framework for furthering the interests of the marine trades and the boating public through the promotion of boating, participation in legislation, and professional improvement programs.

The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) is the nation’s leading trade association representing boat, marine engine and accessory manufacturers. Collectively, NMMA members manufacture an estimated 80 percent of marine products used in North America.

The New Bedford Chamber is a progressive organization that participates in initiatives that positively impact our business members and the quality of life in the SouthCoast region. Initiatives include education, economic development, trade shows and legislative affairs. Read on to learn more about the Chamber, what we do and the multitude of programs we tackleeveryday.

NMTA is the country's largest regional marine association. Founded in 1947 to fight a proposed special tax on boaters, the Association quickly expanded its vision of a unified industry by pitching a tent on the shores of Lake Union and holding its first boat show. Today, with a membership exceeding 700, participation of individual companies like yours makes business better for all. There's strength in numbers so climb aboard to help yourself and your industry.
At the Oceantic Network (formerly the Business Network for Offshore Wind), our driving purpose is to inform, coordinate, and mobilize human ingenuity, enterprise, and labor to take advantage of the urgent need to tap the vast renewable energy resources that lie offshore in the world’s oceans. The collective, coordinated efforts of our members equip communities and nations to accelerate the transition to clean energy and create economic opportunities.

PVA is dedicated to promoting the interests and the economic well-being of U.S. passenger vessel owners and operators, while promoting safety and a secure maritime operating environment for passengers, crew and the public at-large.

The Rhode Island Marine Trades Association (RIMTA) represents all aspects of the recreational boating industry in its home state. We are dedicated to growing Rhode Island’s marine trades through advocacy, education, and promotion and positioning the Ocean State as a worldwide leader in the marine industry.
The mission of The New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center is to educate the public about the history and culture of New Bedford’s commercial fishing industry by engaging them in authentic experiences, to document that culture and history for future generations, and to honor and support the men and women who make their living from the sea. |